American Academy of
Research Historians of
Medieval Spain

ASPHS Prizes

29 Dec 2016 10:50 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

News from our sister society, the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, about their annual round of prizes :

The ASPHS offers three prizes for excellence in scholarship in Iberian history. To be eligible, authors must be current members of the ASPHS. All prizes have a call for submissions in the fall of each year and are awarded the following spring.

On a three-year rotation, the Association offers a prize for the best dissertation award, the best first article award, and best first book award. Prizes carry an honorarium of $250. Click here for more information on this year’s award and call for submissions.

In 2007 ASPHS held the first competition for the A.H. de Oliveira Marques Prize in Portuguese History. The prize was created through an endowment from Dr. Harold Johnson, and it carries an honorarium of $250. Click here for more information on the Oliveira Marques prize and call for submissions.

The annual Bishko Prize, in honor of Professor Charles Julian Bishko, recognizes the best article on medieval Iberian history published by a North American scholar. The prize carries an honorarium of $250. Click here for more information on the Bishko Prize and call for submissions.

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