American Academy of
Research Historians of
Medieval Spain


All the news that's fit to print.
  • 10 Dec 2015 9:17 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    A final call for submissions. 

    You need to be an ASPHS member by the deadline, but it's easy and inexpensive to sign up (

    The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies solicits submissions for the annual Charles Julian Bishko Memorial Prize for the best article published in 2014 or 2015 in the field of medieval Iberian history by a North American scholar. Initiated in 2003, the Bishko Prize honors Professor Charles Julian Bishko, the distinguished historian of medieval Iberia who taught for 39 years at the University of Virginia. This year's prize, which carries an honorarium of $250, will be announced at the 2016 annual meeting of ASPHS in San Diego, California. Articles may be written in Castilian, English, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese or French. Authors must be current members of the ASPHS. Authors should submit one copy of the article and a short (2-page) CV in PDF form to each member of the committee via email by 31 December, 2015. Please direct queries to the chair of the prize committee.

    Marie Kelleher, California State Univ. Long Beach:
    Hussein Fancy, University of Michigan:
    Tom Barton, University of San Diego:

  • 28 Oct 2015 6:21 PM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies solicits submissions for the annual Charles Julian Bishko Memorial Prize for the best article published in 2014 or 2015 in the field of medieval Iberian history by a North American scholar. Initiated in 2003, the Bishko Prize honors Professor Charles Julian Bishko, the distinguished historian of medieval Iberia who taught for 39 years at the University of Virginia. This year's prize, which carries an honorarium of $250, will be announced at the 2016 annual meeting of ASPHS in San Diego, California. Articles may be written in Castilian, English, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese or French. Authors must be current members of the ASPHS. Authors should submit one copy of the article and a short (2-page) CV in PDF form to each member of the committee via email by31 December, 2015.  Please direct queries to the chair of the prize committee.

    Marie Kelleher, California State Univ. Long Beach:
    Hussein Fancy, University of
    Tom Barton, University of San

    The 2014-2015 Charles Julian Bishko Memorial Prize went to Glaire D. Anderson, "Sign of the Cross: Contexts for the Ivory Cross of San Millán de la Cogolla," Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 6:1 (Jan. 2014), 15-41.

  • 22 Sep 2015 8:24 PM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)
    The 2016 Rome Prize online application is available on the American Academy in Rome
    website at


    The American Academy in Rome invites applications for the 2016 Rome Prize. 

    For over a century, the Academy has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative work in the arts and humanities. Through a national juried competition, Rome Prizes are awarded to emerging and established artists and scholars working in the following disciplines:

    • Ancient Studies
    • Architecture
    • Design (includes graphic, industrial, interior, exhibition, set, costume, and fashion design, urban design, city planning, engineering, and other design fields)
    • Historic Preservation and Conservation
    • Landscape Architecture (includes environmental design and planning, landscape/ecological urbanism, landscape history, sustainability and ecological studies, and geography)
    • Literature
    • Medieval Studies
    • Modern Italian Studies
    • Musical Composition
    • Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
    • Visual Arts (includes painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, film/video, installation, new media, digital arts, and other visual arts fields)

    Ranging from six months to two years, the thirty fellowships include a stipend, room and board, and individual workspace at the Academy’s eleven-acre center in Rome. 

    Submissions due: NOVEMBER 1, 2015
    Visit for guidelines.

  • 06 Jun 2015 5:08 AM | Kyle C Lincoln (Administrator)

    Members may be interested to know that a new volume of the journal, Erasmo has appeared in circulation (and is available here.) The journal's successful first and second volumes suggest an additional venue for contributions ot the study of Medieval Iberia, and members are invited to consult the journal's homepage for more information about the underlying project that supports it. One brief highligh from this volume: a contribution from the distinguished former AARHMS President, Teo Ruiz, is included .


    Additionally, Erasmo, Revista de Historia Bajomedieval y Moderna's Call For Articles is now open for its third number. Erasmo is an open-acess and peer-review journal whose headquarters are located at the University of Valladolid (Spain). We accept original papers focused on case studies or longue-durée essays related to the European and American contexts between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries. The theme of the issue is miscellaneous, covering different topics that include, though are not limited to, History, Art History, Literature, or Musicology. The articles, including footnotes, tables, figures and appendices may not exceed 75,000 characters. Especially welcome are interdisciplinary perspectives and new methodological contributions to each discipline. For more information please contact as at

  • 26 Jan 2015 10:16 AM | Simon Doubleday
    For individual members of AARHMS, there is still a special discounted rate of $27 annually to the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies. Click here for details; be sure to call 44 (0)20 7017 5543 or email Taylor and Francis at for the special offer rate.   
  • 20 Jan 2015 8:46 AM | Simon Doubleday

    A valuable web site, associated with a CSIC research project on "Knowledge, Heresy and Political Culture in the Islamic West" (eighth to fifteenth centuries):

  • 01 Dec 2014 11:43 AM | Mark D. Johnston

    Congratulations to Simon Doubleday (Hofstra University) and Miguel Gómez (University of Dayton) on their election as president and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of AARHMS.  Their three-year terms will begin in 2015. 

  • 11 Nov 2014 8:52 AM | Mark D. Johnston

    Voting for new AARHMS officers is open until 1 December 2014.  Only active (paid) members are eligible to vote, and have received an email with a URL link to the ballot.

  • 04 Nov 2014 7:30 AM | Simon Doubleday

    Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies: Best Article Prize (2015) 

    The editors of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (JMIS) and Routledge are delighted to offer a $500 prize for the most outstanding article published in JMIS in 2015. This prize will be offered thereafter on an annual basis. All articles published in JMIS in 2015 will automatically be considered for the Best Article Prize, and all submissions received during the calendar year 2014 will be considered for publication in 2015. 

    All submissions should be uploaded electronically through our online submission system ( 

    Please direct any inquiries to 

    The Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (JMIS) is an interdisciplinary journal for innovative scholarship on the multiple languages, cultures, and historical processes of the Iberian Peninsula, and the zones with which it was in contact. We encourage submission of all innovative scholarship of interest to the community of medievalists and Iberianists. JMIS, which aims to bring theoretically informed approaches into creative contact with more empirically minded scholarship, encompasses archaeology, art and architecture, music, philosophy and religious studies, as well as history, codicology, manuscript studies and the multiple Arabic, Latin, Romance, and Hebrew linguistic and literary traditions of Iberia. 

    We welcome work that engages peninsular Iberia in relation to other parts of the ‘post-classical’ world; which explores links of colonization and exchange with the Maghreb, addresses Iberia’s presence in the Mediterranean, or adopts a transatlantic frame. 

    The prize will be awarded by a panel of judges appointed by the Editor-in-Chief of JMIS. The judges’ decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into. 

  • 30 Sep 2014 1:24 PM | Mark D. Johnston

    As specified in our bylaws, the time has come once again to elect a president and secretary-treasurer for AARHMS.  Please send nominations or self-nominations via email to the current secretary-treasurer, Mark D. Johnston, at  The deadline for nominations is 15 October 2014.

All content (c) the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, except where prohibited by law.
Pages edited and maintained by the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain. Webmaster: Kyle C. Lincoln

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